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Yahnke CJ, Lanier HC, Flaherty E, Varner J, Munroe KE, Duggan JM, Erb LP, Dizney L, Connors PK. (2023). What should students be able to do? Helping students recognize professional skills in our courses. Journal of Mammalogy. 104(4): 696-706.


Patrick LE, Duggan JM, Dizney L. (2023). Integrating evidence-based teaching practices into the Mammalogy classroom. Journal of Mammalogy. gyad011.


Flaherty E, Lanier HC, Varner J, Duggan JM, Beckmann S, Yahnke CJ, Erb LP, Patrick LE, Dizney L, Munroe KE, Connors PK. (2023). Teaching Mammalogy in the 21st century: advances in undergraduate education. Journal of Mammalogy. 104(4): 656-666.


Dizney L, Duggan JM, Connors PK, Lanier HC, Varner J, Flaherty EA, Erb LP, Yahnke CJ. (2023). Response to Messager et al. 2022. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 21(5): 218-219. DOI:10.1002/fee.2638 (


Connors PK, Lanier HC, Erb LP, Varner J, Dizney L, Flaherty EA, Duggan JM, Yahnke CJ, Hanson JD. (2021). Connected while distant: Networking CUREs across classrooms to create community and empower students. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 61(3): 934-943. DOI: 10.1093/icb/icab146.


Dizney L, Varner J, Duggan JM, Lanier HC, Connors PK, Erb LP, Flaherty EA, Yahnke CJ, Hanson JD. (2021) Squirreling from afar: Adapting Squirrel-Net modules for remote teaching and learning. CourseSource/QUBES.


Duggan JM, Varner J, Lanier HC, Flaherty EA, Dizney L, Yahnke CJ, Connors PK, Erb LP, Hanson JD. (2020). Squirrels in Space: Using radio telemetry to explore the space use and movement of sciurid rodents. CourseSource/QUBES.  


Yahnke CJ, Dizney L, Varner J, Duggan JM, Erb LP, Lanier HC, Flaherty EA, Connors PK, Hanson JD. (2020). Sorry to eat and run: A lesson for testing trade-offs in squirrel behavior using Giving Up Densities (GUD). CourseSource/QUBES. 


Connors PK, Varner J, Dizney L, Flaherty EA, Lanier HC, Duggan JM, Erb LP, Hanson J, Yahnke CJ. (2020). Squirreling Around for Science: Using behavioral observations of sciurid rodents to investigate trade-offs. CourseSource/QUBES. 


Varner J, Lanier HC, Duggan JM, Dizney L, Flaherty E, Connors PK, Erb LP, Yahnke C, Hanson JD. (2020) How many squirrels are in the shrubs? A lesson for comparing methods for population estimation. CourseSource/QUBES. 


Dizney L, Connors PK, Varner J, Duggan JM, Lanier HC, Erb LP, Flaherty EA, Hanson JD, Yahnke C. (2020). An introduction to the Squirrel-Net Teaching Modules. CourseSource/QUBES. 


Flaherty EA, Varner J, Duggan JM, Connors PK, and other Squirrel-Net authors. (2019). A CURE for the common course: Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences  Could Benefit Wildlife Undergraduates. The Wildlife Professional. 13: 32-35. (pages 32-35)

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