The Nutty 4 Knowledge Club: Fun, science-based programming for first-generation college students
The Squirrel-Net Blog
Hello and welcome to the Squirrel-Net Blog - we are so glad you’re here! We are hoping this blog will be a space for us to highlight voices from across our national network, updates on our activities, and of course, insights into the squirrely lives of squirrels!
A Squirrel-Net Module Update Worth Tweeting About!
Invitation to Participate in a CURE Research Study!
Fun in the Summer Sun: A Re-cap of Squirrel-Net’s Summer Conference Activities
Radio Telemetry Project: The Case of the Vanishing Squirrels
Xylem Sap Moon
Research Roundup 2022
Keeping Up With the Squirrel-dashians (Squirrel-NetSummer Update)
A squirrel, by any other name, would be just as cute
2021 Research Roundup
Creating Community through Networked CUREs
The mystical and mysterious squirrels that shaped human history
SquirrelsOne: What’s on Your Campus
CURE Research Opportunity!
Squirrel-Net will be at #ASM2021!
Welcome to the Squirrel-Net Blog!
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